Team Leadership

Pace and disruptive change create stress. Interpersonal differences drain positivity. New team members can upset the balance. Your leadership can steady the ship and enable progress.

Increasing productivity

Thriving teams are more productive than average teams. They have clear goals and strategies, yet are flexible and willing to change. They hold each other accountable with understanding, not blame. Their purpose is clear, shared by all and reflected in their decision making. They take initiative and are creative and resilient when resources are limited. They follow the example of their leader.

three women sitting and facing each other
man and woman sitting on chair

Boosting positivity

Thriving teams stand on a bedrock of trust and respect. They share information, prioritise communication, and they listen well. When conflict arises, they are guided by their mission and strategy rather than hierarchy or force of personality. They make efforts to look for the positive in any situation, and in each other. Positive teams buzz and flow. They value, and even love, their leader.

Recent work

Some of the challenges clients have brought to us recently include:

  • Low wellbeing scores.
  • Low psychological safety.
  • Losing talent they don’t want to lose.
  • Team members in conflict.
  • Teams not working well together.
  • Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z differences are causing tension.
man standing in front of people sitting beside table with laptop computers
gray laptop computer

Want to discuss your ideas?

If you would like to talk to us about your ideas, we would love to hear from you. Your ideas do not need to be fully formed. We can have an informal, creative conversation. You will be under no obligation and the conversation will be confidential.


Let us help you right now

Download Cru’s guide to Leadership that makes the Difference right here. You will benefit from immediately applicable, practical ideas and tools that will inspire and support you in your:

External world - your team and organisation.

Internal world - your confidence and motivation.

Your future world - your aspirations for your leadership and career.

Download the guide

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If you’d like to explore your ideas with us, we’d love to hear from you. We offer a 30 minute confidential conversation with no obligation and no charge.
Contact Us
© Cru Leader Development Ltd 2022 Registered in England and Wales. Company no. 10588733. Address: Europa House Goldstone Villas Hove BN3 3RQ
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